sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012

Soon,very soon


 Si iata-ne ajunsi si aici,ultimul weekend de vacanta*tear,tear*Pe de-o parte de abia astept sa inceapa scoala,mi-e dor de situatiile stresante si de teme-I know,I'm crazy,probably masochistic too- si de lume.Pe de alta parte,nu m-ar deranja inca vreo 2 luni de pierdut vremea in fata calculatorului.Nu pot spune ca vacanta asta am facut mari realizari,n-am facut nici ce mi-am propus la inceputul verii.Timpul a trecut pur si simplu pe langa mine.Dar am mers la ore de canto-yaay,I'm so happy,I adore singing- si totodata si la o emisiune,am iesit cu fetele mai mult decat vara trecuta si am reusit sa fac progrese in domeniul scrisului si a povestilor-in niciun caz nu cat imi propusesem :| I'm such a lazy git-
 Ador sa ma pregatesc pentru scoala.Adica sa-mi iau rechizite,haine,sa-mi fac ghiozdanul etc.In anumite lucruri-majoritatea-sunt meticuloasa si imi place sa fie totul pus la punct.De aceea,ghiozdanul,penarul,caietele sunt aranjate frumos la inceputul anului scolar.Desigur,in cateva saptamani,vor capata alte atribute,pe scurt vor arata dezordonat.Vreau ca anul asta sa invat mai mult-si sa fac astfel incat sa-mi ramana ceva in cap si dupa 2 zile-,sa particip la mai multe concursuri,sa-mi fac mai multe cunostinte,sa intrec cateva persoane,sa ma implic mai mult in chestiile scolare si sa ajung la nationala la engleza-dream on girl-.
Deja sunt intr-a 11-a...I'm so old-__-

joi, 6 septembrie 2012

No fear

Don't hesitate.

  If I step forward,I can’t go back anymore so what should I do?Fear is taking over and is holding us down,chaining our desires and dreams in a world we don’t want.Like ashes in the wind,our burnt out wishes scatter in the pool of reality,we have nothing left but the fear to hold onto.It becomes our bestfriend even if we don’t want to because the lack of courage and initiative gives it a clear path to our hearts.So sad,but so true.

 Don’t stop,move forward.Worry about the consequences later and live your life while you still have the chance.Fear is only in our minds,but wehave the power to conquer it;it’s that little spark inside of us that waits to be ignited.

sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2012

Hanatan-World is mine

 Some songs bring the worst out of me...I feel like being spoiled.

  Uh yeah,I want to be spoiled and selfish today.So obey me and don't say a word.No,better tell me how great I am.I feel like eating something sweet,maybe chocolate and icecream.Dress me up in sugar and tell me how cute I am.Lonely?What's that?I am spoiled,yes I know,so what?Now give me all your love,make me feel like a princess.You can't obey me,I am your master.What?You say I talk nonsense?Nu-uh baby,I just want to be a selfish little princess for a day,is that so bad?Fake tears and you'll fall to my feet because that's just how you are:so easily to fool,a naive little prince.My prince:3Kiss,kiss,sweetness on you.I am spoiled but I don't care.Sparkling,dazzling,amazing me.