joi, 13 decembrie 2012
sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2012
Monster without a name
Tomo ni yukou namae no nai kaibutsu
The fairytale seems to have died moments ago,in our gardens of insanity,fading in the foggy night.
Behind the black iron bars of my cell,my empty eyes search for something to release my soul,an evanescent feeling of relief before I fall.It's retribution,the ghosts of my crimes have come back to pick the price.There's nothing left of me,just this blank canvas waiting to be filled with colors other than black and red,like in the past.Monster without a name,soulless shell,infinite sky of lost madness,I wait in silence for the end.
Don't avert your gaze,look at me.When the red moon comes out and the smoky fog fades away,am I that horrible to you?Be scared,it's better than to be engulfed by the radiating insanity.Monster without a name,destroy or be destroyed,none will survive as long as I'm still around.I make the black rain fall from this starless sky and lift up my wild and empty eyes.Shadows are crawling up my spine,the fears of the past all come back to me and the end is here.The wound that can't be wiped away and the nameless monster.
duminică, 4 noiembrie 2012
Aprinde Cerul
In intunericul profund al noptii,cineva aprinse o lumina orbitoare si rece.Arunca pe catifeaua neagra de deasupra noastra cioburi stralucitoare si cusu cu vise un felinar argintiu si mare.Dedesubt,marea lua foc si deveni violet,reflexii ale stelelor lucind timid pe valurile aprinse.Doi ochi privesc bland spre nebunia de culori si cred ca stiu cine a manjit intunecimea noptii.Dar de ce oare zambetul ii este trist?
The Path
The path to happiness is this way.
Come,take my hand and let me lead you to happiness.See this path?It's paved with laughter and light.No more hurt for you,I don't like seeing you sad and lonely...It was a time when I embraced loneliness and free fell into the hands of oblivion.Because there wasn't anyone to shine a light for me,I followed what I thought was right and got nowhere.Slowly,the road ahead of me cleares and I want to be of help to someone.
Your eyes,turning back, forth, and around,are searching for something to hold onto,filled with despair and false happiness.Hey,look here,can you see that fragile light trembling at the far end of the path?Let's make it shine brighter and brighter,together,connected by the warmth of our bounded hands.For that you only have to look into my eyes and let the feelings you see there lead the way.
Deep,further,into the forest of contradictions,I lost myself.But somehow,I got a glimpse of your wandering soul between the heavy drops of the freezing rain and the scattered autumn flowers,searching for something and I knew what you needed.So,to save myself,I let the emotions flow into my cold heart and reached for you.The smile you gave me was enough to ignite my soul and make me want to save you back.Is it called love?Maybe.Or maybe it's just a strong sense of friendship.Either way,I'm willing to let it overwhelm me.
I'm afraid that if I let go of your hand I'll lose you forever.Look into my eyes and stay with me.
sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012
Soon,very soon
Si iata-ne ajunsi si aici,ultimul weekend de vacanta*tear,tear*Pe de-o parte de abia astept sa inceapa scoala,mi-e dor de situatiile stresante si de teme-I know,I'm crazy,probably masochistic too- si de lume.Pe de alta parte,nu m-ar deranja inca vreo 2 luni de pierdut vremea in fata calculatorului.Nu pot spune ca vacanta asta am facut mari realizari,n-am facut nici ce mi-am propus la inceputul verii.Timpul a trecut pur si simplu pe langa mine.Dar am mers la ore de canto-yaay,I'm so happy,I adore singing- si totodata si la o emisiune,am iesit cu fetele mai mult decat vara trecuta si am reusit sa fac progrese in domeniul scrisului si a povestilor-in niciun caz nu cat imi propusesem :| I'm such a lazy git-
Ador sa ma pregatesc pentru scoala.Adica sa-mi iau rechizite,haine,sa-mi fac ghiozdanul etc.In anumite lucruri-majoritatea-sunt meticuloasa si imi place sa fie totul pus la punct.De aceea,ghiozdanul,penarul,caietele sunt aranjate frumos la inceputul anului scolar.Desigur,in cateva saptamani,vor capata alte atribute,pe scurt vor arata dezordonat.Vreau ca anul asta sa invat mai mult-si sa fac astfel incat sa-mi ramana ceva in cap si dupa 2 zile-,sa particip la mai multe concursuri,sa-mi fac mai multe cunostinte,sa intrec cateva persoane,sa ma implic mai mult in chestiile scolare si sa ajung la nationala la engleza-dream on girl-.
Deja sunt intr-a 11-a...I'm so old-__-
joi, 6 septembrie 2012
No fear
Don't hesitate.
Don’t stop,move
forward.Worry about the consequences later and live your life while you still
have the chance.Fear is only in our minds,but wehave the power to conquer
it;it’s that little spark inside of us that waits to be ignited.
sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2012
Hanatan-World is mine
Some songs bring the worst out of me...I feel like being spoiled.
Uh yeah,I want to be spoiled and selfish today.So obey me and don't say a word.No,better tell me how great I am.I feel like eating something sweet,maybe chocolate and icecream.Dress me up in sugar and tell me how cute I am.Lonely?What's that?I am spoiled,yes I know,so what?Now give me all your love,make me feel like a princess.You can't obey me,I am your master.What?You say I talk nonsense?Nu-uh baby,I just want to be a selfish little princess for a day,is that so bad?Fake tears and you'll fall to my feet because that's just how you are:so easily to fool,a naive little prince.My prince:3Kiss,kiss,sweetness on you.I am spoiled but I don't care.Sparkling,dazzling,amazing me.
vineri, 31 august 2012
I am a Stargazer.
miercuri, 29 august 2012
Cred ca asta e prima mea leapsa^^"oh well...on with it:
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? -Not really. | ||||||
2.When did your last hug take place?-I don't even remember-__- | ||||||
3.Are you a jealous person?-Actually,yes. | ||||||
4.Are you tired right now?-Yeah,it was a long day | ||||||
5.Do you chew on your straws?-Sometimes | ||||||
6.Have you ever been called a tease?-I'm always a tease. | ||||||
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?-Unfortunately not.But I did stay awake for 32 hours. | ||||||
8.Do you cry easily?-No,I hate crying.But sometimes it just gets too much to handle and I breakdown. | ||||||
9.What should you be doing right now?-Watching an anime.My list is sooo long and school will start soon,I really have to catch up with some series. | ||||||
10.Are you a heavy sleeper?-Sometimes,when I'm reaaaaally tired.But most of the time I can wake up in a second if I feel/hear something. | ||||||
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?-Maybe,it depends on the person. | ||||||
12.Are you mad at someone right now?-Nope,I hardly socialize in the summer so I don't have anyone to get mad at. | ||||||
13.Do you believe in love?-Who knows...Possibly | ||||||
14.What makes you laugh no matter what?-Stupidity. | ||||||
15.Who was the last person you talked to?-Mom. | ||||||
16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?-All the time. | ||||||
17.Will you get married?-No. | ||||||
18.When was the last time you smiled?-2 seconds ago.Amazing,isn't it:)) | ||||||
19.Does anyone like you?-I hope so. | ||||||
20.Do you secretly like someone?I'm not really sure.I think I do,but it may very well my secret desire to befriend them.I usually mistake friendship with love^^" | ||||||
21.Who was the first person you talked to today?-Myself. | ||||||
22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?-Sis>:D< and myself of course. | ||||||
23.What are you NOT looking forward to?Biology and the face of my physics teacher. | ||||||
24.What ARE you looking forward to?-Learning a new song,meeting up with sis and cupcake and first day of school(I'm insane,I know) | ||||||
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?-No,I didn't give them the chance to get close to me. | ||||||
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?-Who knows,I never had a boyfriend.But,I'll probably get a little jealous and that's all.Everyone is free to do as they please. | ||||||
27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?-I'll love to but I'm stuck here. | ||||||
28.Are you a forgiving person?-Yes.Even though I;m a hurricane when I get mad or upset with someone,it doesn't last long.I'll forgive the person easier than I'd like to admit. | ||||||
29.How many TRUE friends do you have?-Not a clue. | ||||||
30.Do you fall for people easily?-Ugh,yeah.But it goes away easily too. | ||||||
31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?-Like I said,I never had a boyfriend. | ||||||
32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?-Pepsi. | ||||||
33.Who was the last person you drove with?-The bus driver. | ||||||
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?-1:30,reading fanfiction. | ||||||
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?-Hell yeah. | ||||||
36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?-An aunt. | ||||||
37.Can you live a day without TV?-I can live weeks without TV. | ||||||
38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?Can't remember right now.But it wasn't long ago. | ||||||
39.Three names you go by..-Yuu,Yume,Psihopata(Piscot,Yui and Ssix too) | ||||||
40.Are you currently in a relationship?-No. | ||||||
41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?Ugh,I don't have a clue. | ||||||
42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?-Probablly | ||||||
43.What’s your current problem?-My language summer homework.Which I don;t plan on doing. | ||||||
44.Have you ever had your heart broken?-Nah. | ||||||
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?-Won't work. | ||||||
46.How many kids do you want to have?-Not a single one.I hate kids. | ||||||
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?-I don;t tell people I fancy that I like them.I don;t have a reason too.But I do get embarassed telling my friends that I like them.>_> |
joi, 9 august 2012
Feel the love
Strange things this human emotions are..
Scream with me that you love life.It's not hard to see the bright side of things and enjoy what you are given.
I feel happy all of a sudden,probably because of that song that I didn't think I will ever like it.I was mistaken.
Can you feel the love?Hmm?
marți, 31 iulie 2012
Bloody Madness
O mica povestioara scrisa intr-un moment de isnpiratie subita^^Enjoy!
She lifted the knife from the ground where it fell when the
cook was shot and moved forward until she was three steps away from the
killer.A look of confusion mixed with fear was plastered on his face and he
tightened his grip on the gun.Kat rised her head and looked straight into his
eyes,startling him and making him flinch away.Her eyes were sparkling with
madness,an insanity such strong that it looked surreal.With a swift
movement,his head was cut off and an enourmous flow of blood gushed out from
his neck.He didn’t have time to push the trigger nor to see the blade of the
knife sinking into his flesh;it happened too fast.Now the white kitchen was a
bloody mess,with red speckels splashed on the ivory walls and a pool of
thick,crimson liquid forming at Kat’s feet.The body fell down with a
thud,kicking at the same time some metal pots from a table nearby and dirtying
its smooth texture.Her expression didn’t change.She bowed her head and stared
with a creepy grin adorning her lips at the head lying a few steps away from
its owner.She moved forward,stepping in the blood and on the limp body,leaving
behind bloody traces,until she was above the skull.Then,she crouched,put down
the knife and lifted the head until she was eye level with the blank orbs.Her
grin widened and she kissed the cold lips softly,releasing a chuckle that soon
became a hysterical laugh.She slowly put down the head,picked up the knife and
stuck it with full force in the area between the eyebrows,cracking open the
skull.She got up to her feet,ceased her laughter and stepped out from the
room,away from the corpses.Nobody found her again,but she is still
alive.Headed to nowhere,killing whenever her psycho-rampage got the best of
her.Meaning every night.
joi, 19 iulie 2012
The Merciless Darkness
"A morning impurified dully, is starving a night to be stained by the merciless dark
The orbit this planet goes into is destined to be a distorted circle, forever
The orbit this planet goes into is destined to be a distorted circle, forever
At the moment I realized it all had been collapsed, I do nothing but I stand frozen there"
Surrounded by vengeful spirits,I pray for a beam of light that will never reach me.Without realizing,I'm already engulfed by the merciless darkness that tainted the sky and the only thing that I can do is run.Without a destination or a path,I run until I can feel the blood burning on my bare feet and my ragged breath slowing me down.And I stop.
I raise my head to what was the sky before,now a black void.Trying to keep my eyes wide open,I can see the truth.There are no more stars...
vineri, 13 iulie 2012
Life is so fragile that it's painful to live...Yet,life is beautiful
Nu-mi place sa ma gandesc la asta pentru ca ma deprima,dar viata chiar e fragila.Moartea survine atat de usor si de rapid incat nici nu-ti dai seama ce se intampla.Si fara sa stii,totul s-a terminat.Atat de multe lucruri lasate in urma,sentimente si oameni,regrete.Realizez ca inca nu mi-am trait viata si de-ar fi sa mor maine,ar fi ca si cum nici n-am existat.Pentru ca nu am facut nimic care sa arate contrariul.Mi-as dori sa fac multe dar viata nu ma lasa.Asteptarile,restrictiile,toate imi stau in cale.Imi dau seama ca eu iubesc viata enorm de mult...
Imi iubesc prietenii,lucrurile marunte,cartile,animalele,sa citesc povestioare,muzica,visele,noaptea,cerul,stelele,luna,fotografiile,confesiunile,cafeaua,jocurile,negrul,culorile,arta,
desenele,lumina,hartia,casa,vantul,marea,prietena mea Amalia,persoanele necunoscute,dar simpatice,colegii de liceu,fostii mei colegi,fosta mea scoala,orasul,agitatia specific adolescentina,Missa,Diana si Alexandra,prietenele mele din copilarie Bianca si Diana,ciocolata,excursiile,mersul cu autobuzul,zambetele,bratarile,glumele,bucuria,chestiile pufoase,hainele dragute,mestesugurile,conversatiile,Japonia,lumanarile,bunastarea celor din jurul meu...Iubesc viata.
duminică, 8 iulie 2012
Scarlet Visions
Yamiyo ga warau
Koko wa otosareta sekai, wasureji no mirai
Koko wa otosareta sekai, wasureji no mirai
"The darkness of the night laughs.
This is a world dropped into darkness, a forgotten future.
It's just an afterimage
Filled with absurd passions..."
This is a world dropped into darkness, a forgotten future.
It's just an afterimage
Filled with absurd passions..."
Nici stelele nu stiu incotro ne indreptam,dar cu siguranta nu e un viitor oarecare.Rasul ironic din intuneric imi trimite fiori pe sira spinarii si stiu ca visul nu se va incheia aici.Cantecul unei cutii muzicale se deruleaza incet,incet,iar noaptea devine rece.Simt frigul patrunzandu-mi in oase,facand mersul imposibil si tintuindu-ma in intuneric.Nebunia noptii se imprastie iar,dand viata cosmarurilor si abandonand lumea intr-un crud vis purpuriu...
sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2012
Everyone is smiling,I feel like smiling too...
Siiiiiii,am fost si la mare.Cu mama.4 zile.Desi e vorba de un loc pe care il ador pur si simplu,a fost extrem de plictisitor.Ca niciodata de fapt.Probabil fiindca peste tot in jurul meu erau oameni fericiti,familii,grupuri de prieteni care au venit sa se distreze ,iar eu stateam si leneveam pe sezlong si ma uitam la ei.De la bun inceput stiam ca nu o sa fie nimic fascinant la aceasta ''iesire''.A fost prea din scurt(tata ne-a spus ca ne trimite la mare doar cu cateva zile inainte),prea putin si am avut si cateva probleme.Cum ar fi pierderea trenului,luarea unuia cu juma' de ora mai tarziu,luarea altuia prin Buzau unde trebuia sa asteptam alte 30 de minute,dar de fapt a avut intarziere deeeeci am stat cam o ora prin statie si nici macar n-am prins vreun loc bun.Imi place sa merg cu trenul,chiar foarte mult,dar daca nu am primit un loc bun unde sa stau,everything is pointless then.Cel putin la intoarcere am avut companie buna.O dragalasenie de baiat cu familia lui.Era din apropiere de Iasi,de-o varsta cu mine,blond si cu cei mai superbi ochi pe care i-am vazut vreodata @_@ Verzi,stralucitori (reaaaally sparkling) si ma faceau sa zambesc ori de cate ori ii intalneam cu proprii mei ochi.Iar eu nu zambesc asa usor.Era ca un reflex si buzele mi se miscau instantaneu.I think something's wrong with me-_-''
Sper doar ca in august nu va interveni vreo ceva si o sa pot sa merg din nou in acel loc special mie:marea :)) Nu va fi cu nimic diferit de mica mea "excursie" de zilele astea avand in vedere ca de data asta voi merge cu tooooata familia,dar ce ma intereseaza pe mine e sa apuc sa mai inot putin,sa-mi definitivez bronzul-pentru ca am stat aproape numai sub umbrela si,cum soarele ma uraste,m-a prins numai cand eram imbracata si ma plimbam...stupid sun-__-- si sa mai vizitez cateva magazine,mai ales o anume librarie geniala si superba<3
Ah,fericire de vara...
Iubesc trupa asta<3 Nu e ea chiar o melodie de vara,dar mi s-a parut extrem de potrivita cand o ascultam pe plaja.It makes me dance,yeah \:D/
joi, 28 iunie 2012
Under that Sky
We are lost but we will find the path back together,this I promise you.
"In darkness we seek for light though it may never be
Someday we might find the sky we long so much to see." sâmbătă, 23 iunie 2012
Morning Coffee
Warm days that smell like coffee,chocolate and summer rain.
luni, 18 iunie 2012
Howling Inferno.
Linistea noptii e strapunsa doar de sunetul inimii mele batand.Rasuflu greu,imi simt muschii obositi si stiu ca voi ceda dar totusi nu ma opresc.Continui sa alerg prin intuneric spre ceva ce seamana cu lumina.E ca un abis rece,o liniste asurzitoare de care vreau sa scap.Asa ca fug,cu pulsul innebunit si aproape fara oxigen,pana cand incep sa aud vocile suprapuse ale celor de dincolo.De dincolo de abis.Un tipat prelung si ascutit rasuna undeva in spate,in negrul rece. Intind o mana tremuranda spre punctul de lumina ce se formeaza inaintea mea si ating viata.
joi, 14 iunie 2012
In ruinele trecutului
In a world that simply crumbled
Privesc in urma si tot ce vad e un lung sir de regrete.Lumea mea se prabuseste intr-un dezastru inflacarat si lasa loc luminii sa creeze o noua casa.Explozii de culoare si gemete de durere izbucnesc in timp ce ma indepartez cu lanturile atarnandu-mi greu de incheieturi.Clinchetul metalului pe pamantul inghetat imi pare nostalgic,poate o amintire dintr-o alta viata?Intunericul va pieri in curand,o voce distanta imi spune,si pare atat de familiara incat ma incred in ea.Las in urma lacrimile si slabiciunea caci am decis sa lupt.Flacarile vechii mele lumi topesc gheata ce m-a inconjurat atat de mult timp si m-a tinut in loc.Apele libertatii se revarsa peste ruinele ce domina noua mea viata si creeaza un drum pe care sa-l urmez,creeaza paradisul pe care mi l-am dorit.Acum tot ce ne mai desparte sunt aceste lanturi ce par sa ma traga in trecut,sunt inca legata de ceva ruinat.In timp ce luminile se inalta spre cerul intunecat si aduc dimineata,accept amintirile si pasesc spre tine...
marți, 12 iunie 2012
Summer Freedom
The air was warm and heavy and smelled like summer city nights.
duminică, 3 iunie 2012
Inu x Boku SS
You can find epicness in every little thing.
Orice serie buna are si un sfarsit.In cazul meu,Inu x Boku SS.L-am inceput cu ceva timp in urma,si cum ieri aveam timp,mi-am zis sa vad si restul din anime,adica 3 episoade.Serialul asta a avut numai 10:((
Kagerou and his epic farewell |
Desi anime-ul s-a incheiat(superb!),in manga lucrurile se complica,mult mai mult.Asa ca am sa astept fiecare capitol rabdatoare,dar si putin trista fiindca nu o sa mai aud minunata voce a sadistului nostru si a lui Zange-tan(tipul e roscat,are urechi de iepure si e adorabil de creepy,so FTW) si nici reactiile delicios de amuzante ale lui Miketsukami cand e in preajma lui Ririchiyo.
Zange.Reminds me of Cheshire Cat,even with the rabbit ears. |
Ririchiyo Shirakiin |
<----This made me feel disturbed because I associate sparkling men with Edward Cullen. ( ̄д ̄;) But of course I like Miketsukami way better than any sparkling vampire. | ||||
THE sparkles! |
marți, 29 mai 2012
Never close our eyes
We have plenty of time to sleep when we die
Omul asta e genial.Punct.Mi-a placut de la bun inceput,inca de la auditiile dinainte de concursul propriu-zis,m-a uimit de fiecare data cand urca pe scena si ma uimeste si acum.Nu numai ca are o voce absolut superba dar si videoclipul e badass.Ca intotdeauna,Adam face o treaba excelenta.<3
Melodious Pulse
Catastrophe Rhapsody
Acordurile nebunesti de chitara ma fac sa-mi pierd capul.Sunetele lor metalice se impletesc in sangele meu,preluand controlul asupra mea.Inima imi tresalta,pielea ma furnica si ma simt ca un peste in apa printre toate melodiile astea geniale.Inot intr-un ocean de zgomote melodioase,voci epice si povesti,cu ochii inchisi si mintea zburand libera in vazduhul imaginatiei.Pulsul mi se accelereaza pe masura ce cantecul se apropie de final si stiu ca va fi superb.Tobele ma tin legata de ritm,in timp ce basul imi pulseaza salbatic in vene,umplandu-ma de energie.Finalul explodeaza intr-un amestec de instrumente si voci devastatoare,curmate brusc de linistea sfarsitului.S-a incheiat.
And some Kishow for my darlings.^^
And some Kishow for my darlings.^^
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