She lifted the knife from the ground where it fell when the
cook was shot and moved forward until she was three steps away from the
killer.A look of confusion mixed with fear was plastered on his face and he
tightened his grip on the gun.Kat rised her head and looked straight into his
eyes,startling him and making him flinch away.Her eyes were sparkling with
madness,an insanity such strong that it looked surreal.With a swift
movement,his head was cut off and an enourmous flow of blood gushed out from
his neck.He didn’t have time to push the trigger nor to see the blade of the
knife sinking into his flesh;it happened too fast.Now the white kitchen was a
bloody mess,with red speckels splashed on the ivory walls and a pool of
thick,crimson liquid forming at Kat’s feet.The body fell down with a
thud,kicking at the same time some metal pots from a table nearby and dirtying
its smooth texture.Her expression didn’t change.She bowed her head and stared
with a creepy grin adorning her lips at the head lying a few steps away from
its owner.She moved forward,stepping in the blood and on the limp body,leaving
behind bloody traces,until she was above the skull.Then,she crouched,put down
the knife and lifted the head until she was eye level with the blank orbs.Her
grin widened and she kissed the cold lips softly,releasing a chuckle that soon
became a hysterical laugh.She slowly put down the head,picked up the knife and
stuck it with full force in the area between the eyebrows,cracking open the
skull.She got up to her feet,ceased her laughter and stepped out from the
room,away from the corpses.Nobody found her again,but she is still
alive.Headed to nowhere,killing whenever her psycho-rampage got the best of
her.Meaning every night.
marți, 31 iulie 2012
joi, 19 iulie 2012
The Merciless Darkness
"A morning impurified dully, is starving a night to be stained by the merciless dark
The orbit this planet goes into is destined to be a distorted circle, forever
The orbit this planet goes into is destined to be a distorted circle, forever
At the moment I realized it all had been collapsed, I do nothing but I stand frozen there"
Surrounded by vengeful spirits,I pray for a beam of light that will never reach me.Without realizing,I'm already engulfed by the merciless darkness that tainted the sky and the only thing that I can do is run.Without a destination or a path,I run until I can feel the blood burning on my bare feet and my ragged breath slowing me down.And I stop.
I raise my head to what was the sky before,now a black void.Trying to keep my eyes wide open,I can see the truth.There are no more stars...
vineri, 13 iulie 2012
Life is so fragile that it's painful to live...Yet,life is beautiful
Nu-mi place sa ma gandesc la asta pentru ca ma deprima,dar viata chiar e fragila.Moartea survine atat de usor si de rapid incat nici nu-ti dai seama ce se intampla.Si fara sa stii,totul s-a terminat.Atat de multe lucruri lasate in urma,sentimente si oameni,regrete.Realizez ca inca nu mi-am trait viata si de-ar fi sa mor maine,ar fi ca si cum nici n-am existat.Pentru ca nu am facut nimic care sa arate contrariul.Mi-as dori sa fac multe dar viata nu ma lasa.Asteptarile,restrictiile,toate imi stau in cale.Imi dau seama ca eu iubesc viata enorm de mult...
Imi iubesc prietenii,lucrurile marunte,cartile,animalele,sa citesc povestioare,muzica,visele,noaptea,cerul,stelele,luna,fotografiile,confesiunile,cafeaua,jocurile,negrul,culorile,arta,
desenele,lumina,hartia,casa,vantul,marea,prietena mea Amalia,persoanele necunoscute,dar simpatice,colegii de liceu,fostii mei colegi,fosta mea scoala,orasul,agitatia specific adolescentina,Missa,Diana si Alexandra,prietenele mele din copilarie Bianca si Diana,ciocolata,excursiile,mersul cu autobuzul,zambetele,bratarile,glumele,bucuria,chestiile pufoase,hainele dragute,mestesugurile,conversatiile,Japonia,lumanarile,bunastarea celor din jurul meu...Iubesc viata.
duminică, 8 iulie 2012
Scarlet Visions
Yamiyo ga warau
Koko wa otosareta sekai, wasureji no mirai
Koko wa otosareta sekai, wasureji no mirai
"The darkness of the night laughs.
This is a world dropped into darkness, a forgotten future.
It's just an afterimage
Filled with absurd passions..."
This is a world dropped into darkness, a forgotten future.
It's just an afterimage
Filled with absurd passions..."
Nici stelele nu stiu incotro ne indreptam,dar cu siguranta nu e un viitor oarecare.Rasul ironic din intuneric imi trimite fiori pe sira spinarii si stiu ca visul nu se va incheia aici.Cantecul unei cutii muzicale se deruleaza incet,incet,iar noaptea devine rece.Simt frigul patrunzandu-mi in oase,facand mersul imposibil si tintuindu-ma in intuneric.Nebunia noptii se imprastie iar,dand viata cosmarurilor si abandonand lumea intr-un crud vis purpuriu...
sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2012
Everyone is smiling,I feel like smiling too...
Siiiiiii,am fost si la mare.Cu mama.4 zile.Desi e vorba de un loc pe care il ador pur si simplu,a fost extrem de plictisitor.Ca niciodata de fapt.Probabil fiindca peste tot in jurul meu erau oameni fericiti,familii,grupuri de prieteni care au venit sa se distreze ,iar eu stateam si leneveam pe sezlong si ma uitam la ei.De la bun inceput stiam ca nu o sa fie nimic fascinant la aceasta ''iesire''.A fost prea din scurt(tata ne-a spus ca ne trimite la mare doar cu cateva zile inainte),prea putin si am avut si cateva probleme.Cum ar fi pierderea trenului,luarea unuia cu juma' de ora mai tarziu,luarea altuia prin Buzau unde trebuia sa asteptam alte 30 de minute,dar de fapt a avut intarziere deeeeci am stat cam o ora prin statie si nici macar n-am prins vreun loc bun.Imi place sa merg cu trenul,chiar foarte mult,dar daca nu am primit un loc bun unde sa stau,everything is pointless then.Cel putin la intoarcere am avut companie buna.O dragalasenie de baiat cu familia lui.Era din apropiere de Iasi,de-o varsta cu mine,blond si cu cei mai superbi ochi pe care i-am vazut vreodata @_@ Verzi,stralucitori (reaaaally sparkling) si ma faceau sa zambesc ori de cate ori ii intalneam cu proprii mei ochi.Iar eu nu zambesc asa usor.Era ca un reflex si buzele mi se miscau instantaneu.I think something's wrong with me-_-''
Sper doar ca in august nu va interveni vreo ceva si o sa pot sa merg din nou in acel loc special mie:marea :)) Nu va fi cu nimic diferit de mica mea "excursie" de zilele astea avand in vedere ca de data asta voi merge cu tooooata familia,dar ce ma intereseaza pe mine e sa apuc sa mai inot putin,sa-mi definitivez bronzul-pentru ca am stat aproape numai sub umbrela si,cum soarele ma uraste,m-a prins numai cand eram imbracata si ma plimbam...stupid sun-__-- si sa mai vizitez cateva magazine,mai ales o anume librarie geniala si superba<3
Ah,fericire de vara...
Iubesc trupa asta<3 Nu e ea chiar o melodie de vara,dar mi s-a parut extrem de potrivita cand o ascultam pe plaja.It makes me dance,yeah \:D/
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